Monday, May 25, 2020

Reflection On My Decision Letter - 1434 Words

Upon hearing my decision to resign, Alice became elated. However, that very afternoon, I began to retract my decision. I realised my emotions got the better of me. Emotions, what are they anyway? Reactions to our experiences, making them truly unreliable. In the heat of the moment, I quit my job. Not just my job, but my attachment to Angelo. What did I feel for him, anyway? Friendship? Love? Or simply an infatuated crush? A week has passed since the poker game incident, I haven t made any contact with Angelo, yet he continues to occupy my mind both day and night. I m scheduled to sing tonight. However, after a long debate with myself, I decided to stay home, to test Angelo if you will. If Alice s assumptions are correct, he will notice†¦show more content†¦I can’t tell how many times she has passed it. I rest my cheek on the palm of my hand and point to her phone. â€Å"Oh, thank you. What about my shoes?† Her lips remain in the O shape they made when she said shoes. I point towards the door, the same place she leaves her work shoes after every shift. She leans against the door as she puts on her shoes. â€Å"I’m not sure what time I’ll be home tonight, but I ll have my phone, so call me if you need to and I ll come straight home.† I tilt my head skyward. I know she means well, but enough with the mother hen act. She takes me by surprise when her arms enclose around me. â€Å"I love you, babe.† She remains behind me, resting her chin on my shoulder. I cup my hand around hers. â€Å"I love you too, Mum.† She chuckles as she releases me. â€Å"Fine, I m going.† ï » ¿By eight o clock, the first kaleidoscope of butterflies invades my stomach, he ll notice I’m not there soon. I remain laying on the sofa with my knees curled close to my chest, my arms wrapped around my knees, cradling myself. Some game show plays on the television, but I m clueless to what s happening. The presenter raises the guests enthusiasm as he shouts out in joyful banter. The audience claps and cheers when someone wins, I assume. I can t concentrate on it, I can t concentrate on anything as my thoughts play on a continuous loop. Does he care enough about me? When will he phone? What will I say if heShow MoreRelatedDr. King s Letter Essay1085 Words   |  5 Pagesbest response to this letter I read this over multiple times and in doing so I could not ignore the potent reality of the social injustice issues in the United States, in particular, Birmingham, in the 1960s. Throughout this powerful letter, Dr. King respectfully addresses his conscious intentions in tr ying to acknowledge the situation. The purpose of my reflection paper is to analyze the content and recognize my initial reactions. 1. The main thesis of Dr. King’s letter was to acknowledge hisRead MoreSocial Work Child Observation Report1545 Words   |  7 Pages The Negotiation. Introduction. 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